Vanessa Mejía Cuevas & Teresa Fischer // Queering Hinterconti // 26.-28.07.2024

Freitag, 26. Juli 2024, 19.00 | bis Sonntag, 28. Juli 2024, 18.00 |

Vanessa Mejía Cuevas & Teresa Fischer

Queering Hinterconti

Opening: Friday 26. July 2024 at 19:00.
Open Hours: Saturday 27. and Sunday 28. from 14:00 to 18:00.

Vanessa Mejía Cuevas

Who´s the man

And which of the two of you is the man of the relationship?

This project was born from the estrangement I feel when I am asked this question.

Insta :

Teresa Fischer

Everybody Wants to Leave Here

"Everybody Wants to Leave Here" (2024) is a poignant AI-generated photography series that delves into the rarely documented aftermath of historical raids on lesbian bars. While these spaces have often been romanticized as sanctuaries of love and community, the series exposes the harsh reality that queer women faced: frequent police raids, violence, and the pervasive threat of persecution. By reimagining these fraught moments, the series sheds light on the resilience and sacrifice of those who sought solace and solidarity in these bars, revealing the high price they paid for their courage to belong. Through hauntingly realistic imagery, "Everybody Wants to Leave Here" captures the turmoil and bravery of an often overlooked chapter in LGBTQ+ history.

Insta: @teresafischerstudio

Gefördert von der Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg


Balduinstraße 24

20359 Hamburg

Balduinstraße 24
20359 Hamburg

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