Tante Paul

Samstag, 25. Juni 2022, 22.00 |

Dear Queers,

wir laden euch wieder am 25.6 ab 22 Uhr wie jeden letzten Samstag im Monat zu unserer Lieblingskellerparty ein. Und bevor Ihr kommt, macht einfach einen Corona-Test zu Hause, damit wir uns alle irgendwie sicherer fühlen. Wear your summer clothes! Diesmal mit KEVIN CLASH as SLUTTY BOYFRIEND (London)*

Wir freuen uns auf euch


New Member and Partner of Boys Noize’s RAVE PIGS
Is coming to Hamburg for the first time to play at Tante Paul.
for a ‘Hamburg Summer Exclusive #1’ in June 2022.

Former Ministry of Sound resident DJ, Kevin has switched up his styles
and is rocking it via a collaborative music curation process between him
and his partner that’s called; MY BOYFRIEND’S MUSIC COLLECTION

In 2021 Kevin went to Vienna to establish connections and showcase presenting
music in a ‘Fierce Freestyle’ a style that is QUEER at it’s roots.
As someone who knows both the queer and black roots of both electronic and guitar
based music he is happy to play any genre of danceable music with the confidence
that ‘my people invented and launched this music!’

DEX ‘n EFX TURNTABLIST - Kevin delivers music in a variety of styles
from 6 deck, multi module, sound layering to the 2 deck touch screen - cut ’n mix style
that he favours for the Slutty Boyfriend project which was created to be raw, fast and energetic.
This style was presented in 2021 when Kevin Clash and Costas Kekis performed as
PERVέRT at the Das Letzte Spektakel afterparty and again as a solo set at the City of Whores

KEVIN CLASH as SLUTTY BOYFRIEND has accepted the invitation of Tante Paul
to provide a soundtrack that we can express ourselves and celebrate the lives
that we are imagining, inventing and creating into existence.

“I’ll see you at ‘Tante Paul’, be ready to WERQ WITH ME!”
Kevin Clash | KxC

Komet (Keller)
Erichstraße 11

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